He Knows Us This month in Children’s Ministry, we are looking into scriptures that focus on how Jesus truly knows us. In the Sermon on the Mount, he is very clear that he knows that we will [...]
Remembering Date Night! I remember when my wife Cathy and I started dating. We had so many conversations after going to the movies or sharing a meal. There were many late-night conversations in [...]
The Wisdom and Freedom of the Sabbath Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The very first words of the Bible describe the power and creative aspect of [...]
Top 10 ways that moms rock the world! For the months of March and April, guest contributor and Rockpointe Communications Director Laura Edghill steps in to examine the importance of moms. Because [...]
Two Truths About Mothering Over the next two months guest contributor and Rockpointe Communications Director Laura Edghill steps in to examine the importance of moms. For this month, we’re going [...]
The effects of fatherlessness Most of you are aware that I grew up in a home with a single mother. I didn’t really notice because divorce and single parenting was pretty common where I grew up. I [...]
The Importance of Dads Over the next two months, I want to talk about the importance of dads. I grew up in a single parent home and remember what it was like to not have a full-time dad in my [...]
Christmas is a great time for teaching. The season provides many opportunities for parents to pass down their faith. We don’t always think about using the story of the Birth of Jesus as a [...]
Christmas is a great time for teaching. The season provides many opportunities for parents to pass down their faith. We don’t always think about using the story of the Birth of Jesus as a [...]
Christmas is a great time for teaching. The season provides many opportunities for parents to pass down their faith. We don’t always think about using the story of the Birth of Jesus as a [...]
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