Perseverance and Provision

We so often make the mistake that we think following Jesus means everything in our lives will go smoothly and be problem-free. But that is not what the Bible teaches us! When we look at all the [...]

The Unexpected Choice

God makes the unexpected choice over and over again throughout Scripture. Like Leah, you may feel unseen. You may feel unheard. You may feel unwelcome or unwanted. Like Judah, you may feel [...]

Birthright and Blessing

We may have strayed far from God, done regrettable deeds, and fallen short again and again. Yet we yearn for God’s blessing…to feel the love of our heavenly Father, to bask in His [...]

Coming Out Of The City

We are a sinful people. There’s no way around this truth. And because of this, we’re a people who desperately need God’s grace. There is no other remedy! Regardless of what it [...]

Are You Lost?

Are you lost? Which one of these do you identify with? Luke 15 clearly describes four different types of lost people: The unintentional wanderer [parable of the lost sheep] The unexpectedly [...]

City of Man

We are so prone to insulating ourselves with pride, arrogance, and countless other selfish and self-centered attachments. Over and over we build towers of human achievement – careers, [...]

A New Life

This new way involves Christ living in us. There’s a partnership, a connection. Even though we grapple incessantly with the mundane concerns of this world, often baffled by life’s [...]

A New Way

So Abraham called that place “the Lord will provide…” There’s an eternal truth at work here – not just that the Lord did provide, but that He will provide. That [...]


In the darkness of countless years, all of humanity waited – often without hope, without light. Longing for the promised rescue of a Savior coming from heaven to earth bringing hope and [...]


No one in all of creation can redeem or compensate for all the failure, deception, chaos, strife and loss in the world. No one except for the only One ever to walk blameless amongst humanity. [...]