Real Love…Speaks

Jesus sees us. He seeks us. And he also speaks to us. In a world today that only sees love as affirmation, Jesus speaks real loving truth, never shying away from the darkness in our lives. He [...]

Real Love…Seeks

Jesus seeks us. The Samaritan woman at the well had a past. She was shunned in polite society to the point that she wouldn’t even come to the public well except at the hottest, most [...]

Real Love…Sees

Jesus sees us. And when he sees us, he transforms us, no matter what the situation we find ourselves in. And in so doing, he sets an example for us of how we need to truly see others as well, no [...]

The Gospel

From Genesis all the way through to Revelation we see the story of redemption, the story of sin and brokenness but also of salvation and grace. The garden at the beginning is restored in the city [...]

The Long View

There’s an awareness we have that this world is not everything. There’s some sense we have that God is present, that He cares about us, that He has an intimate interest in who we are. [...]

Perseverance and Provision

We so often make the mistake that we think following Jesus means everything in our lives will go smoothly and be problem-free. But that is not what the Bible teaches us! When we look at all the [...]

The Unexpected Choice

God makes the unexpected choice over and over again throughout Scripture. Like Leah, you may feel unseen. You may feel unheard. You may feel unwelcome or unwanted. Like Judah, you may feel [...]

Birthright and Blessing

We may have strayed far from God, done regrettable deeds, and fallen short again and again. Yet we yearn for God’s blessing…to feel the love of our heavenly Father, to bask in His [...]

Coming Out Of The City

We are a sinful people. There’s no way around this truth. And because of this, we’re a people who desperately need God’s grace. There is no other remedy! Regardless of what it [...]

Are You Lost?

Are you lost? Which one of these do you identify with? Luke 15 clearly describes four different types of lost people: The unintentional wanderer [parable of the lost sheep] The unexpectedly [...]