The Power of The Word

Words matter. It’s not a random occurrence that the Bible begins with God literally speaking creation into being. He called forth the entirety of the universe with the power of His words! [...]

Origin Story

All scripture is inspired by God. There is no other written work in the history of mankind that contains such a cohesive narrative! The variation in the authors’ backgrounds is incredible [...]

Who Am I?

Where do you find your identity? Is it in your career, your gender, your various roles in life? Is it in your wealth or possessions? Is it in your talents? Your accomplishments? The Lord of all [...]

The Lord May

Prayer is a vital act in the life of a Christ follower. Prayer is that aligning of you – your mind, your heart, your spirit – with the that of the Lord. It is often said that prayer [...]

Tell One

The Bible’s message to go out and tell the world can seem intimidating, but it can often be as simple as just telling one person about what Jesus has done in our lives. Our faithfulness, [...]

What is REALLY Real and Who Says?

We know our world is in trouble. As Christ followers, though, we can’t wring our hands and just shout at the darkness. We can’t give aggression and hatred and anger and belligerence [...]

Deconstruction | Picking Up The Pieces

Having questions is a natural part of the Christian experience. But so often we internalize our doubts instead of expressing them to someone we trust to help us think them through and find [...]

To Whom Shall We Go

As image-bearers of God, we should never forget that quality is what shines brightest about us! Instead of getting caught up in the ever-changing “rules” of society and worrying about [...]


If you want to live in reality, if you want to live in truth, if you want to live in rightness, that means there will be times of denial in your life. Times to pick up your cross, times to follow [...]


Consumers devour. Servants deliver. Consumers chase after trends. Servants chase after Jesus Christ. It was Jesus himself who modeled for us how to take the lowest position and show others love [...]