Thin Places
We can become so caught up with the shiny things of this world, or something clever being said or done, that the real pursuit of the actual presence of God dissipates. It dances away from our [...]
We can become so caught up with the shiny things of this world, or something clever being said or done, that the real pursuit of the actual presence of God dissipates. It dances away from our [...]
Are you trying to chase down God’s approval? Are you not accepting that in Christ He already approved of you? Are you so distracted by the things you need to do that you can’t sit [...]
Without blemish…what does that really mean to us? For us? Jesus Christ has secured for us through the cross, through the resurrection, life forever with God in perfected, glorified spirits [...]
Even the most sincere follower of Christ struggles to put God first in everything at every moment. But this is not a surprise to Him. He knew this would be impossible for us to do without help. [...]
No matter what religion or philosophy we might pursue, we are all seeking the same answers in life and wondering who holds the answers to the deepest questions in life. The Bible and all of [...]
In order to truly pursue the spirit of God, we must reject misleading spirits that lead us elsewhere. This series has explored three such examples in Rehoboam, Eli, and Hezekiah. When we truly [...]
What are we putting into in a world that’s not meant to last forever? This world is simply the shadow of things to come…do you know the only thing that’s actually going to last [...]
God’s unending love pours out over all the generations. For those who are still young, it manifests in a heartfelt desire to guide and place on a right path towards a future bursting with [...]
This world offers us nothing, but Christ offers us EVERYTHING! He has the authority do so! Why? Because He’s the one person in all of time and space, in all of history who went to the edge [...]
The entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is marked not by its grandeur, but by its humble trappings. There was no ornate litter hoisted on the shoulders of Jesus’s followers, there was no [...]
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