Remembrance and Renewal

When we acknowledge our sin, when we hear the voice of God, then we can repent and draw near to Him. Sin has done such great damage in the world, in our lives, that there needs to be a [...]


Have you ever been in a darkness so deep that you thought you might not come out of it? That was the state of the world prior to the birth of Christ. Darkness. Hopelessness. Despair. But suddenly [...]


If you look at the role of shepherds in ancient times, it’s actually pretty incredible that God would choose to reveal His son to them as the very first witnesses. They weren’t [...]


What are we willing to wait for anymore? Some studies show that we’re only willing to wait mere seconds before honking our horn at a driver who hasn’t noticed a green light. How much [...]

Crossing The Threshold

It’s hard to know sometimes how to be thankful as life brings many troubles both large and small. How do we give thanks in all things? (Philippians 4:11-12) What does it mean to [...]

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly PT. 2

Throughout our lives, if we are in proper relationship with God, fear should not be the dominating thought. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death [...]

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly PT. 1

If you’re going to have a Biblical worldview, it needs to include a view and understanding of hell that is Biblical and a view and understanding of heaven that is Biblical. They are both [...]

To Be A Woman

Throughout the history of Christianity, wherever it has been faithfully represented, women have been uplifted and valued for their unique gifts and contributions. Because men and women are [...]

To Be A Man

What does it mean to be a man? In a world that confuses this concept and continually blurs gender lines, we can turn to the Scripture for clear guidance. 13 Be watchful, stand firm in the [...]