Pastor Alberto Miguel Rojas

Friend and guest speaker Pastor Miguel Rojas reminds us that especially in these chaotic modern times, as followers of Christ we should not despair. Now more than ever we must pursue ministry, [...]

What is Your View of God? pt.2

All of us who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ were at one time spiritual orphans. We had no family, we had no future. But the power and the beauty of the Holy Spirit is that He convicts us [...]

What is Your View of God? pt. 1

What you believe and your view of God shapes everything – how you treat other people, how you understand your relationships, and how you understand Him to be and who He is. Our challenge is to [...]

What Is Your Source Of Truth? pt. 2

What is your source of Truth? What do you listen to? Pay attention. Focus in. Look at what’s nourishing you and shaping you. Is what you take in propelling you towards a relationship with the [...]

What Is Your Source Of Truth? pt. 1

What is your source of truth? In a modern society that claims it’s ok to “live your truth,” how do we validate truth claims? It’s simply not possible for them all to be [...]

The Challenge of a “Mad” Knight

The current reality is that Biblical Christianity is not popular, and popular Christianity is not Biblical. Let that sink in for a moment. If we’re really going to follow Christ and walk in [...]

What Would Jesus Post Today?

We have access to more information on the internet today than anyone throughout history could have ever imagined. And while that information itself is not inherently bad, it can be dangerous both [...]

Sand and Stone

Now is the time to restore the Lordship of Christ in our world, and that begins with the church.  This is this biggest challenge before the church today! God. Scripture. Lordship. Truth. These [...]

What Do You Think About Jesus?

The truly astonishing claim of the Bible is that Jesus doesn’t just claim to know the truth…He IS The Truth! – Stuart McAllister Special Guest Stuart McAllister takes us on a rollicking journey [...]


You know, I’ve looked at various religious systems. And the striking comparison that leads to God’s incomparability is this: In every system I’ve seen, God’s love is quite conditional. He will [...]