Where Do You Live?

Where do you live? Do you dwell on things in the past, stuck in moments of either regret or misplaced satisfaction? Or do you look the other direction, coveting future accolades or worrying over [...]

Do It Afraid

Have you ever felt something new emerging on the horizon of your life? Something important. Something full of possibility for the future. Something life-changing. But with all change comes risk [...]

Go Deeper

God is calling you to go deeper in your own heart – that starts by going deeper with Him. Finding that intimacy where we don’t hold back even our ugly thoughts and emotions. Then He calls us to [...]

Strength From Weakness

We were never meant to find strength just on our own. Throughout the Bible God demonstrates time and time again that we are meant to stand strong with others, not alone. 12 Though one may be [...]

Light From Darkness

Just as the spirit of God moved and brought light out of darkness to a people long ago, He still brings light to our darkness today. There is nothing so dark in your life right now that God isn’t [...]

Remembrance and Renewal

When we acknowledge our sin, when we hear the voice of God, then we can repent and draw near to Him. Sin has done such great damage in the world, in our lives, that there needs to be a [...]


Have you ever been in a darkness so deep that you thought you might not come out of it? That was the state of the world prior to the birth of Christ. Darkness. Hopelessness. Despair. But suddenly [...]


If you look at the role of shepherds in ancient times, it’s actually pretty incredible that God would choose to reveal His son to them as the very first witnesses. They weren’t [...]


What are we willing to wait for anymore? Some studies show that we’re only willing to wait mere seconds before honking our horn at a driver who hasn’t noticed a green light. How much [...]

Crossing The Threshold

It’s hard to know sometimes how to be thankful as life brings many troubles both large and small. How do we give thanks in all things? (Philippians 4:11-12) What does it mean to [...]