Pursuing Better Things

We cannot afford to succumb to boredom in these days. The challenge before us is to get back in the game, get back into the pursuit of better things! We need to have the heart and the mind to say [...]

To Give

Our giving should flow out of a grateful heart. When we become aware of just how much God has lavished His faithful provision on us, we can’t help but unleash His generosity through our own [...]

To Serve

The theology of serving isn’t just about being engaged in the church, it’s about how we operate in our places of business, in our homes. To paraphrase Martin Luther, it’s to do what you’ve been [...]

To Gather

What habits have you formed over this last year and half as it relates to attending church gatherings? Have you spun away from community when maybe you should spin in? Discouragement festers when [...]

Genuine Imitators

What does it mean to be genuine imitators of Christ? Philippians 4:8 finds its way onto Christian bookstore plaques and embroidered pillows, but what about verse 9? 8 Finally brothers and [...]

Why We Worship

How many of us pray because we think when we pray God’s going to do something for us? And how many of us worship because we think when we worship God’s going to show up for us in the way we think [...]

The Great Love Of The Father

Special guest Christen Ball chronicles her own story of reconciliation with her earthly father who abandoned her at an early age. She relates how the wounds he left propelled her to ultimately [...]

Then & Now

God who originally breathed life into man who had fallen into sin and darkness, now breathes new unending life and light into us that we might carry His message. He sends us to carry that same [...]

Symbols & Substance

We are a people prone to overcomplicating things. We mistake symbols for substance and substance for symbols at every turn. Our rebelliousness rises up in sullen “no’s” to the [...]

Sin & Circumstance

God’s Word assures us that the day is coming for each of us when all suffering will cease. We may have to wait days, years, or even a lifetime to receive healing. But if we will identify with the [...]