Old & New

It’s so important to start at the right place, to know who God really is. He’s the God who takes us from where we’re at – standing alone and defiant, and draws us into relationship that overflows [...]

A Different Way To Identify

If you are a follower of Christ, remember your identity! No matter your gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any number of other worldly distinctions, your first identity should be that you are a [...]

A Different Way To Fear

“This is the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) God is watching you and He is watching me. How do you [...]

A Different Way To See Ourselves

In the face of all the competing voices clamoring for your attention and trying to define you, remember that God created you as a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). Though marred by sin, you have [...]

A Different Way To Think

Amidst a flood of cultural likes, there is a firm foundation. There is a solid rock. There is a person and a way of approaching life that stands against all the floods that come. When we lean [...]

A Different Way To Live

The big question is…will we in this life acknowledge the Kingdom of God or instead will we constantly pursue the idols of temporary society? How do we find A Different Way to Live?