Sin & Circumstance

God’s Word assures us that the day is coming for each of us when all suffering will cease. We may have to wait days, years, or even a lifetime to receive healing. But if we will identify with the [...]

Old & New

It’s so important to start at the right place, to know who God really is. He’s the God who takes us from where we’re at – standing alone and defiant, and draws us into relationship that overflows [...]

A Different Way To Identify

If you are a follower of Christ, remember your identity! No matter your gender, ethnicity, nationality, or any number of other worldly distinctions, your first identity should be that you are a [...]

A Different Way To Fear

“This is the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) God is watching you and He is watching me. How do you [...]

A Different Way To See Ourselves

In the face of all the competing voices clamoring for your attention and trying to define you, remember that God created you as a masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). Though marred by sin, you have [...]