Crossing The Threshold

It’s hard to know sometimes how to be thankful as life brings many troubles both large and small. How do we give thanks in all things? (Philippians 4:11-12) What does it mean to [...]

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly PT. 2

Throughout our lives, if we are in proper relationship with God, fear should not be the dominating thought. 38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death [...]

Discipleship Part 2: The Reward

Discipleship Part 2: The Reward I am asked quite a bit about how to get kids to own their faith. As parents, we raise our kids to believe what we believe, but at some point, they have to own [...]

The Good, The Bad & The Ugly PT. 1

If you’re going to have a Biblical worldview, it needs to include a view and understanding of hell that is Biblical and a view and understanding of heaven that is Biblical. They are both [...]

Discipleship Part I: The Call

Discipleship Part 1: The Call As Christian parents, we are called to actively disciple our children. It isn’t simply suggested, it is an expectation. This isn’t always easy. Discipleship takes [...]

To Be A Woman

Throughout the history of Christianity, wherever it has been faithfully represented, women have been uplifted and valued for their unique gifts and contributions. Because men and women are [...]