We live in turbulent times. It can be easy to get swept up in reacting to chaos, responding with emotion rather than thoughtful action. In order to avoid such error, we have to have a foundation [...]
It is said that the church at the time of Acts was so dependent on the Holy Spirit that if that infusion had suddenly ceased nearly every aspect of church life would grind to a halt, but if that [...]
Those who accept God’s grace are referred to as His bride. We are so infinitely beloved by Him! Do you know that? That you are beloved by God? Whatever your bruising, whatever your [...]
Easter is a day of profound celebration. But if we’ve not yet contemplated the unimaginable cost of this day, then we know nothing more than a date on a calendar. There is no cheap grace in [...]
Top 10 ways that moms rock the world! For the months of March and April, guest contributor and Rockpointe Communications Director Laura Edghill steps in to examine the importance of moms. Because [...]
What is it that you and I do with our lives? Do we follow after the example of Jesus? Are we caught with positions of power and influence, or do we possess humility, seeking first to serve others [...]
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