I Have Prayed For You

It’s easy to get caught up in the form of prayer. What do I say? How do I say it? What posture should I take? But what if it wasn’t about the words, or whether or not we kneel, but [...]

The Call To Act Justly

As a follower of Christ, righteous behavior and the right treatment of others are inseparable. If pursued separately, they go off course into either revenge or platitudes. What is one area of [...]

Rock of Ages

In the scriptures we find the image of God as a rock time and time again. In this world, we can view massive rock formations like the Rock of Gibraltar and realize the none of them, not one, [...]

Lord Have Mercy

Kyrie eleison…Lord have mercy. The central theme of our faith. As a follower of Christ, with this knowledge at the forefront, it is impossible to be arrogant or boastful, angry or [...]