Dear God…What Makes You So Special?
There are no other religions with a figure parallel to Jesus who literally overcame death and resurrected from the grave! Jesus had no servants, yet they called him master. He had no degree, yet [...]

Real Love… Sacrifices
Easter is a day of profound celebration. But if we’ve not yet contemplated the unimaginable cost of this day, then we know nothing more than a date on a calendar. There is no cheap grace in [...]

The Gospel
From Genesis all the way through to Revelation we see the story of redemption, the story of sin and brokenness but also of salvation and grace. The garden at the beginning is restored in the city [...]

The Long View
There’s an awareness we have that this world is not everything. There’s some sense we have that God is present, that He cares about us, that He has an intimate interest in who we are. [...]

Perseverance and Provision
We so often make the mistake that we think following Jesus means everything in our lives will go smoothly and be problem-free. But that is not what the Bible teaches us! When we look at all the [...]

Birthright and Blessing
We may have strayed far from God, done regrettable deeds, and fallen short again and again. Yet we yearn for God’s blessing…to feel the love of our heavenly Father, to bask in His [...]

Coming Out Of The City
We are a sinful people. There’s no way around this truth. And because of this, we’re a people who desperately need God’s grace. There is no other remedy! Regardless of what it [...]

City of Man
We are so prone to insulating ourselves with pride, arrogance, and countless other selfish and self-centered attachments. Over and over we build towers of human achievement – careers, [...]

Falling Down
We all fall down. In our human brokenness, we hurt others and we hurt ourselves. Again and again we fall prey to the lies of the enemy of our souls and fall into fear and sin. 15 And I will put [...]