What Is Your Source Of Truth? pt. 1

What is your source of truth? In a modern society that claims it’s ok to “live your truth,” how do we validate truth claims? It’s simply not possible for them all to be [...]

Sand and Stone

Now is the time to restore the Lordship of Christ in our world, and that begins with the church.  This is this biggest challenge before the church today! God. Scripture. Lordship. Truth. These [...]

What Do You Think About Jesus?

The truly astonishing claim of the Bible is that Jesus doesn’t just claim to know the truth…He IS The Truth! – Stuart McAllister Special Guest Stuart McAllister takes us on a rollicking journey [...]


You know, I’ve looked at various religious systems. And the striking comparison that leads to God’s incomparability is this: In every system I’ve seen, God’s love is quite conditional. He will [...]

Why I Am A Christian

Rockpointe friend and guest speaker Alycia Wood offers a very personal explanation for why she is a Christian, chronicling her crisis of faith in college and how it resolved into a deeper and [...]

Pursuing Better Things

We cannot afford to succumb to boredom in these days. The challenge before us is to get back in the game, get back into the pursuit of better things! We need to have the heart and the mind to say [...]

To Serve

The theology of serving isn’t just about being engaged in the church, it’s about how we operate in our places of business, in our homes. To paraphrase Martin Luther, it’s to do what you’ve been [...]

Genuine Imitators

What does it mean to be genuine imitators of Christ? Philippians 4:8 finds its way onto Christian bookstore plaques and embroidered pillows, but what about verse 9? 8 Finally brothers and [...]

Why We Worship

How many of us pray because we think when we pray God’s going to do something for us? And how many of us worship because we think when we worship God’s going to show up for us in the way we think [...]

The Great Love Of The Father

Special guest Christen Ball chronicles her own story of reconciliation with her earthly father who abandoned her at an early age. She relates how the wounds he left propelled her to ultimately [...]