There are many lies out there about what the church is and what people think it’s supposed to be. There are many reason why our thinking is confused on this point. But at the core of the [...]
What do we do with our sin? Do we ignore it? Downplay it? Justify it? Pretend it has no consequences? Or do we face it down for the destructive force that it is and ask God to refocus our [...]
What do we think hell is like? Do we picture a burning, barren landscape populated by the devil’s pitchforked minions? Does it impress us as reality or does it feel like a myth? What is the [...]
What do we think heaven is like? Do we picture angels with fluttery wings strumming harps on a cloud? Does it captivate our attention or does it sound uninteresting? What is the truth and what is [...]
He Knows Us This month in Children’s Ministry, we are looking into scriptures that focus on how Jesus truly knows us. In the Sermon on the Mount, he is very clear that he knows that we will [...]
The enemy of our souls feeds us lie after lie in this world. Most times, they’re not even that obvious, as his greatest trick is to cloak himself in false appeal. When we reject this one [...]
There is a vital Biblical principle to stewardship that’s supposed to guide our lives. It’s a reality, whether you believe it or not. How do we practice this foundational principle? [...]
If there’s one thing that the church needs now more than anything else, it’s people committed to pursuing the truth in all aspects of life…the news we consume, the books we [...]
Any needed transformation in ourselves begins with honestly facing who we are – both our sinfulness but also the unique value God sees in us. We are made in His image, after all! The truth [...]
We can have far too low a view of the Christian faith sometimes. The only Gospel is accessed by the only Biblical faith…and the only Way is by the Spirit of the living God. Nothing else [...]
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