What is it that you and I do with our lives? Do we follow after the example of Jesus? Are we caught with positions of power and influence, or do we possess humility, seeking first to serve others [...]
Jesus sees us. He seeks us. And he also speaks to us. In a world today that only sees love as affirmation, Jesus speaks real loving truth, never shying away from the darkness in our lives. He [...]
Jesus seeks us. The Samaritan woman at the well had a past. She was shunned in polite society to the point that she wouldn’t even come to the public well except at the hottest, most [...]
Jesus sees us. And when he sees us, he transforms us, no matter what the situation we find ourselves in. And in so doing, he sets an example for us of how we need to truly see others as well, no [...]
Two Truths About Mothering Over the next two months guest contributor and Rockpointe Communications Director Laura Edghill steps in to examine the importance of moms. For this month, we’re going [...]
God makes the unexpected choice over and over again throughout Scripture. Like Leah, you may feel unseen. You may feel unheard. You may feel unwelcome or unwanted. Like Judah, you may feel [...]
The effects of fatherlessness Most of you are aware that I grew up in a home with a single mother. I didn’t really notice because divorce and single parenting was pretty common where I grew up. I [...]
Are you lost? Which one of these do you identify with? Luke 15 clearly describes four different types of lost people: The unintentional wanderer [parable of the lost sheep] The unexpectedly [...]
The Importance of Dads Over the next two months, I want to talk about the importance of dads. I grew up in a single parent home and remember what it was like to not have a full-time dad in my [...]
This new way involves Christ living in us. There’s a partnership, a connection. Even though we grapple incessantly with the mundane concerns of this world, often baffled by life’s [...]
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