Tell One

The Bible’s message to go out and tell the world can seem intimidating, but it can often be as simple as just telling one person about what Jesus has done in our lives. Our faithfulness, [...]

What is REALLY Real and Who Says?

We know our world is in trouble. As Christ followers, though, we can’t wring our hands and just shout at the darkness. We can’t give aggression and hatred and anger and belligerence [...]

Loving God

Loving God Our goal in Children’s Ministry at Rockpointe is to partner with parents to teach kids to Love God, Love Others, and Share the Gospel. In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus is asked by the [...]


One of the most recognizable traits of Jesus was his habit of quoting Old Testament scripture. He did this with remarkable frequency, particularly when teaching. This trait illustrates the value [...]

As You Are Going…

One of the greatest parts about this mission to “go and make disciples of all nations” is that the Lord doesn’t just give us a commandment of something to do, He promises to do [...]

Summertime Fun

Dear Parents, I love summertime. The weather is warm, kids are outside playing and people just seem to be a little nicer. As a kid, I couldn’t wait for summer. No more school. No more homework. [...]

Do You Know Him?

When you can see what Jesus saved you from, you can’t help but harbor a grateful heart. That gratefulness overflows into everything you think, say, and do. You can’t stop it from [...]

Thin Places

We can become so caught up with the shiny things of this world, or something clever being said or done, that the real pursuit of the actual presence of God dissipates. It dances away from our [...]

Running and Resting

Are you trying to chase down God’s approval? Are you not accepting that in Christ He already approved of you? Are you so distracted by the things you need to do that you can’t sit [...]


Dear Parents, I don’t know about you, but teaching responsibility to your children can be one of the most frustrating aspects of parenting. As parents, we assume that responsibility is somehow a [...]