Where do you live? Do you dwell on things in the past, stuck in moments of either regret or misplaced satisfaction? Or do you look the other direction, coveting future accolades or worrying over [...]
God is calling you to go deeper in your own heart – that starts by going deeper with Him. Finding that intimacy where we don’t hold back even our ugly thoughts and emotions. Then He calls us to [...]
Parenting with the end in mind… For each person, parenting brings about different challenges. When children are babies, nighttime feedings and changing diapers can feel like chaos. [...]
We were never meant to find strength just on our own. Throughout the Bible God demonstrates time and time again that we are meant to stand strong with others, not alone. 12 Though one may be [...]
Have you ever been in a darkness so deep that you thought you might not come out of it? That was the state of the world prior to the birth of Christ. Darkness. Hopelessness. Despair. But suddenly [...]
If you look at the role of shepherds in ancient times, it’s actually pretty incredible that God would choose to reveal His son to them as the very first witnesses. They weren’t [...]
Christmas brings many traditions. Each family has their own traditions that they celebrate and pass on to the next generation. My mother would always look for opportunities to teach and guide us [...]
Discipleship Part 2: The Reward I am asked quite a bit about how to get kids to own their faith. As parents, we raise our kids to believe what we believe, but at some point, they have to own [...]
If you’re going to have a Biblical worldview, it needs to include a view and understanding of hell that is Biblical and a view and understanding of heaven that is Biblical. They are both [...]
Discipleship Part 1: The Call As Christian parents, we are called to actively disciple our children. It isn’t simply suggested, it is an expectation. This isn’t always easy. Discipleship takes [...]
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