God So Loved
What does it mean that “God so loved”? In what way does that affect the world? In what way does that affect our lives? How do we move beyond understanding this as more than a popular [...]
Train Up A Child
This passage is often mistaken for a promise, when it is really a guiding principle. One that we can apply with humility, knowing that we all fall short at times. For the follower of Jesus [...]
Called By My Name
This passage rests in a specific historical and cultural context, but its principles infuse the core of Jesus’s teaching of repentance. What gets in our way of repentance? Are we so wrapped [...]
In Jesus’ Name
Is prayer for us a way of self comfort? A way of trying to have God do what we want him to do? As long as we say it “in Jesus’ name,” well… The phrase “in [...]
Two or Three
The context in which two or three are gathered is to judge a situation, a distressing circumstance of sin. The promise is that the LORD will be there to help sort it out, to provide discernment [...]
What does this passage really mean for us? Is it about living our “best life now” or something else? Something more lasting, more eternally meaningful… And really, at the end of [...]
All Things
We can take a passage like Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”, and throw it around to celebrate a sports victory, career success, or promote [...]
Jesus Freaks
The Scripture tells us that there’s literally nothing new under the sun. Governments rise and fall, societies experience chaos, trends sweep in and out the door just as fast. There have [...]