The church isn’t a place for perfect people. It’s a place for broken people who are in the process of being made right by Jesus! And there are broken people who need to see broken [...]
It’s easy to get caught up in the form of prayer. What do I say? How do I say it? What posture should I take? But what if it wasn’t about the words, or whether or not we kneel, but [...]
In the scriptures we find the image of God as a rock time and time again. In this world, we can view massive rock formations like the Rock of Gibraltar and realize the none of them, not one, [...]
Kyrie eleison…Lord have mercy. The central theme of our faith. As a follower of Christ, with this knowledge at the forefront, it is impossible to be arrogant or boastful, angry or [...]
The word “steadfast” in Hebrew involves mercy, compassion, unfailing love and faithfulness. It is not merely an emotion or feeling – it involves actions on behalf of someone who [...]
The classic hymn “Holy Holy Holy” stands as a timeless testimony to the awesomeness, the complete, all-emcompassing holiness of the Lord our God. Singing it brings us to that place [...]
God is fully holy but He is also fully loving. No matter what we’ve done to separate ourselves from God, when we repent He stands ready to receive us like the compassionate father He is, [...]
We struggle in this world. It is a world that is darkened and filled with turmoil. Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther struggled similarly. The world was dark and filled with turmoil at that [...]
We are all flawed vessels carrying the treasure of God to reveal His splendor to a lost world. We are all tools in His hands, uniquely crafted to fulfill His purposes. Perhaps misused at times by [...]
Do you realize that whenever we praise God, whenever we worship, we push back and bind darkness in all its forms? It is our honor as followers of Christ to wield this spiritual power! So turn [...]
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