Dear Parents: By now, many of you have sent your children off to begin a new school year. If not, you will be sending them next week. As a parent of adult children, I remember the “beginning of [...]
The Bible’s message to go out and tell the world can seem intimidating, but it can often be as simple as just telling one person about what Jesus has done in our lives. Our faithfulness, [...]
We know our world is in trouble. As Christ followers, though, we can’t wring our hands and just shout at the darkness. We can’t give aggression and hatred and anger and belligerence [...]
Having questions is a natural part of the Christian experience. But so often we internalize our doubts instead of expressing them to someone we trust to help us think them through and find [...]
As image-bearers of God, we should never forget that quality is what shines brightest about us! Instead of getting caught up in the ever-changing “rules” of society and worrying about [...]
If you want to live in reality, if you want to live in truth, if you want to live in rightness, that means there will be times of denial in your life. Times to pick up your cross, times to follow [...]
Loving God Our goal in Children’s Ministry at Rockpointe is to partner with parents to teach kids to Love God, Love Others, and Share the Gospel. In Matthew chapter 22, Jesus is asked by the [...]
Consumers devour. Servants deliver. Consumers chase after trends. Servants chase after Jesus Christ. It was Jesus himself who modeled for us how to take the lowest position and show others love [...]
One of the most recognizable traits of Jesus was his habit of quoting Old Testament scripture. He did this with remarkable frequency, particularly when teaching. This trait illustrates the value [...]
The issue of when life begins should not be one of cold discussion, heated argument, or manipulating a political process. When we look at the scriptures, it’s clear exactly when life [...]
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