A calling from God to pioneer a new work often comes as a divinely-sent burden that propels you into action. In other words, God speaks. We move. Kingdom work gets done. For Pastor Chris Brooks [...]
Parents, I remember the first time my oldest daughter lied to me. I don’t remember exactly what it was about, but I remember she took something she wasn’t supposed to and I knew she did it. [...]
Parents, When I was younger, my mother worked a lot of afternoon shifts, but on her days off, she always stressed the importance of eating dinner together. It was difficult with two of us playing [...]
Parents, I remember that overwhelming feeling of frustration with trying to figure out how to parent effectively. I even remember thinking to myself, “There are 8 billion books out there on [...]
Parents, Earlier this month we discussed many of the problems that single parents face each day. You may have realized that even though you may not be single, this topic affects you more than you [...]
Parents, We all know how difficult parenting can be. Articles and the pros will tell you how important it is for parents to work together and be a team. But what about those parents who do it [...]
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