The Kingdom View on Justice – an examination of Biblical justice, in contrast to how contemporary society might view justice. 13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and [...]
The Kingdom View on Identity – an examination of Biblical identity and its intent and purpose from God’s standpoint, in contrast to how contemporary society might view different [...]
So many things that God means for our good also can be turned towards our harm. The Bible gives clear instruction on aspects of life within which we have freedom, but even with that, we must [...]
The Rockpointe Community warmly welcomes good friend and guest artist Steve Garrett for a very special musical experience. Originally from Nashville, now hailing from Philadelphia, singer, [...]
What does it mean that “God saves”? In what way does that affect the world? In what way does that affect our lives? How do we move beyond understanding this as more than a popular [...]
What does it mean that “God gave”? In what way does that affect the world? In what way does that affect our lives? How do we move beyond understanding this as more than a popular [...]
What does it mean that “God so loved”? In what way does that affect the world? In what way does that affect our lives? How do we move beyond understanding this as more than a popular [...]
What is our faith built on…shifting sand or the solid rock of Biblical truth? Do the changing winds of the world’s trends sweep our thinking away from Christ leaving us confused, [...]
This passage is often mistaken for a promise, when it is really a guiding principle. One that we can apply with humility, knowing that we all fall short at times. For the follower of Jesus [...]
This passage rests in a specific historical and cultural context, but its principles infuse the core of Jesus’s teaching of repentance. What gets in our way of repentance? Are we so wrapped [...]
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