Our sin is so bloody, so dark, that it only leads to death. But we have a God whose grace is so great, that through the sacrifice of his only son Jesus Christ, he calls us to LIFE! He calls us [...]
As a follower of Christ, you are invited to take part in a great feast. It’s a celebration of a covenant, one between Christ and each one of us. A covenant that is likened to that of a [...]
To be a follower of Christ is to accept an invitation from him to stop rebelling and to become part of the Kingdom of God – a movement that has and continues to transform the world. It is [...]
The Kingdom of God transcends all manmade barriers of nationality, race, background, status, affinity group, political alliance and more. And above all else, recognizing the Kingdom of God is a [...]
The real question is…has the knowledge of who Jesus is touched the whole of your life? And where does that knowledge come from? Does it come from modern cultural references, or have you, [...]
In a world that is soaked with lies, where we struggle to find a solid foundation, where anxiety and confusion can easily overwhelm, where do we turn? What is the most important thing we need to [...]
Generosity is about more than money. It begins with the realization that our whole lives are gifts from God! But we too easily become distracted by the world and its misplaced priorities. Status, [...]
Part of being in Christian community is that we see each other. There’s a relationship…people aren’t left alone. They become known. You become known. You become part of a [...]
How would our world be transformed if we cultivated the fruit of the Spirit, rather than seeking to glorify power in its many expressions? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, [...]
What help is there for the storms in our lives? Jesus is present with us through the storms and reveals himself in the midst of the storms. We can trust Jesus to calm the storms and we can trust [...]
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