Title: Discipleship Part I: The Call
Discipleship Part 1: The Call
As Christian parents, we are called to actively disciple our children. It isn’t simply suggested, it is an expectation. This isn’t always easy. Discipleship takes time, effort, and patience. As a parent, I know that each of these three things can be challenging on their own, however, discipling your child will always be worth it!
Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy Chapter 6 are great reminders of what it means reminds us the importance of actively discipling children. There are a few tips that will help when discipling your children.
Help your kids engage the Bible early.
There are great versions of the Bible that are easy for kids to understand. Help your kids engage
the great moments of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus quickly and watch God work
in their lives.
Engage at church as a family.
Church is a place of community where you link arms with other families to pursue Jesus
and serve others. For many families, church is an option and not a regular
part of family life. When your church engagement grows as a family, your spiritual
influence grows because you have other people investing in your kids.
Make spiritual conversations a normal part of family life.
The more you talk with your kids about God when they are young the bigger that door
will be open as they grow into teens. Now is the time to talk about faith on a regular
basis. You can leverage meal times, bedtimes or car time, but just be intentional about
making time and starting the conversation.
You can lead your kids toward God and allow them to discover the love and goodness
of God over time. Don’t be afraid and allow God to use you!
Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it. – Proverbs 22:6
Your partner in ministry,
Jeff Brown
Family Life Pastor