Title: Losing Well
Losing Well
I remember when I realized that I didn’t like to lose. I had just moved from Warren to Utica. I played soccer ever since I was 5 and absolutely loved it. We moved in the fall and all of the teams in the area were full, except for one…this was the team that I was placed on. During the entire season, we didn’t win a single game. In fact, none of the games were even close. I told my mom that I wanted to quit, but to my mom’s credit, she didn’t let me. She told me that I made a commitment and we always fulfill our commitments. I finished out the season and learned quite a bit about myself, especially how to lose in a way that honored God.
As parents, we never want our children to be sore losers. We dread that our child will be “that kid” that cries and throws a temper tantrum simply because they lost a game. Learning how to win and lose well is a critical part of life and helps give our kids tools they need to navigate life later on. Here are a few tips to help your kids learn how to lose well
Celebrate the process as much as the final result.
We all love to win but the fun that winning brings only comes through the process. We
oftentimes get so fixed on achievement that we miss all the joy of being on a team,
striving together with teammates, and the lessons we learn on the journey. The process
of striving for a goal is as important as the end result. We have to remind kids how
proud we are of them for going on the journey and not just celebrating the final result.
Stop blaming and encourage learning.
When we lose it’s easy to blame. Blame the coach. Blame the teacher. Blame the
weather. Blame the surprise problem that caught us off guard. What could happen if we
spent as much time learning when we lose as blaming others? When we stop blaming
and start learning we actually set our kids up for future success!
Celebrate others when they win.
This is so important for kids to start early in life. We all need to learn how to celebrate
with others when they win. There is nothing worse than people who tear others down
when they don’t win. This habit starts early, so help your child to strive to celebrate with
others when they win.
When we teach our kids how to lose well, we can also teach them that hard work pays off, which is another essential tool needed for adulthood.
Your partner in ministry,
Family Life Pastor